Logotipo de Cosmica: Astrologia & Tarot com IA

Exemplo de Casos de Leitura de Tarot de 3 Cartas - Insights sobre Passado, Presente e Futuro

Four of Wands

Past: Four of Wands

Número da Carta:4

Orientação: Upright

Significado da Posição: Reflects experiences and influences that shape the current situation.

Significado Geral: Celebration, harmony, and a strong foundation.

Significado da Orientação: A time of stability and joy, often associated with achievements and joyful gatherings.

Seven of Wands

Present: Seven of Wands

Número da Carta:7

Orientação: Reversed

Significado da Posição: Represents current circumstances, challenges, and energies in play.

Significado Geral: Defensiveness, struggle, and feeling overwhelmed.

Significado da Orientação: A sense of insecurity and lack of confidence, facing challenges that seem more formidable than they actually are.

The Lovers

Future: The Lovers

Número da Carta:6

Orientação: Upright

Significado da Posição: Indicates potential outcomes and influences moving forward.

Significado Geral: Relationships, choices, and harmony.

Significado da Orientação: The promise of deep connections and important decisions that align with your true values.


Análise da Leitura de Tarot

Análise Detalhada

Passado: The Four of Wands signifies a foundation built on joyful experiences and significant milestones in your past, which likely cultivated a sense of security and belonging. This joyful energy empowers your current situation, encouraging you to reflect on those positive experiences and draw strength from them.

Presente: Currently, the Seven of Wands reversed indicates that you may be feeling defensive or challenged by circumstances that seem overwhelming. It's a time when your confidence may be wavering, possibly due to external pressures or competition. Remember, not every situation must be battled; sometimes, stepping back can provide a clearer perspective.

Futuro: Looking ahead, The Lovers promises meaningful relationships and crucial choices that will guide you towards fulfilling connections. It suggests that you will find harmony in partnerships, and it's a gentle nudge to trust your heart when making significant life decisions.


Your journey has been recently colored by celebrations and positive experiences that form a strong foundation for your present moment. However, current challenges may threaten your confidence, suggesting a need to reassess your approach. Looking forward, you are promised deep connections and choices that resonate with your true self, leading to greater harmony.


Embrace the joyous moments from your past as a source of strength. Confront the present challenges with a sense of reassured calm, and remember that every choice you face can lead to fulfilling relationships. Trust in your journey and the connections that will shape your future.


As you navigate your present uncertainties, you are on the verge of experiencing transformational connections that will align beautifully with your true desires.

Temas Principais

CelebrationChallengesRelationshipsPersonal Growth

Sugestão de Ação para Hoje

Reflect upon your past achievements and joyful moments today; let them remind you of your strength as you approach any challenges.

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  • Integração com seu perfil astrológico para insights mais profundos
  • Diário de tarot para acompanhar suas leituras e crescimento pessoal
  • Meditações guiadas baseadas em suas leituras de tarot
  • Aprenda tarot com nosso sistema de educação de tarot impulsionado por IA