Logotipo de Cosmica: Astrologia & Tarot com IA

Exemplo de Casos de Leitura de Tarot de 3 Cartas - Insights sobre Passado, Presente e Futuro

Wheel of Fortune

Past: Wheel of Fortune

Número da Carta:10

Orientação: Upright

Significado da Posição: Events and influences that have shaped your current situation

Significado Geral: Cycles of life, destiny, turning points, and karmic lessons

Significado da Orientação: A significant turning point that brought positive change and new opportunities

DestinyCyclesGood Fortune
Page of Cups

Present: Page of Cups

Número da Carta:11

Orientação: Reversed

Significado da Posição: Current energies and immediate influences

Significado Geral: New emotional beginnings, creativity, and intuitive messages

Significado da Orientação: Emotional immaturity, blocked creativity, or delayed messages

Creative BlockEmotional ConfusionDelayed News
Three of Wands

Future: Three of Wands

Número da Carta:3

Orientação: Upright

Significado da Posição: Potential outcomes and emerging energies

Significado Geral: Expansion, foresight, and leadership in ventures

Significado da Orientação: Future success through planning and looking ahead


Análise da Leitura de Tarot

Análise Detalhada

Passado: The upright Wheel of Fortune indicates a significant turning point that occurred in your life, bringing positive changes and opportunities that have set the stage for your current situation

Presente: The reversed Page of Cups suggests you're currently experiencing some creative blocks or emotional confusion, possibly struggling to express yourself or receive important messages clearly

Futuro: The upright Three of Wands promises expansion and progress through careful planning and foresight, indicating success in future endeavors through strategic thinking


You're transitioning from a period of significant change into a temporary phase of emotional or creative uncertainty. However, this challenge is preparing you for future expansion and success. Your destiny is unfolding in a way that requires patience with current obstacles while maintaining focus on longer-term goals.


Don't let current creative blocks discourage you. Instead, use this time to plan and prepare for future opportunities. Trust that your emotional confusion will clear as you maintain focus on your long-term vision.


By the winter solstice, you'll see the fruits of your current planning, with a significant opportunity for expansion presenting itself unexpectedly.

Temas Principais

TransformationCreative RecoveryStrategic PlanningPersonal Growth

Sugestão de Ação para Hoje

Create a vision board or detailed plan today for where you'd like to be in six months, allowing your intuition to guide you despite current uncertainties.

Desbloqueie Todo o Potencial do Tarot com o Cosmica

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  • Leituras de tarot personalizadas diárias
  • Múltiplas opções de tiragem (Cruz Celta, Tiragem de Relacionamento, Caminho de Carreira, etc.)
  • Integração com seu perfil astrológico para insights mais profundos
  • Diário de tarot para acompanhar suas leituras e crescimento pessoal
  • Meditações guiadas baseadas em suas leituras de tarot
  • Aprenda tarot com nosso sistema de educação de tarot impulsionado por IA