Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

The Star

Past: The Star


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Influences and events that have shaped the present.

一般的な意味: Hope, faith, renewal, inspiration.

向きの意味: Lost hope, feeling discouraged, lack of faith, pessimism about the future; a time when faith was tested or misplaced.

DiscouragementLost HopePessimism
Nine of Cups

Present: Nine of Cups


向き: Upright

位置の意味: The current situation, energies at play, and immediate influences.

一般的な意味: Wish fulfillment, satisfaction, abundance, comfort.

向きの意味: A sense of contentment, wishes coming true, emotional and material well-being, a time of happiness and enjoyment.

King of Swords

Future: King of Swords


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Potential outcomes and future possibilities based on current actions and energies.

一般的な意味: Intellect, authority, clear thinking, decisiveness.

向きの意味: A time to be logical and objective, make well-reasoned decisions, embrace intellectual pursuits, and exercise fair judgment.




過去: The reversed Star in your past suggests a period of feeling disillusioned or losing faith. Perhaps a dream was deferred or a hope dimmed. This past experience, while painful, has laid the groundwork for appreciating the abundance now manifesting. It reminds you to cherish moments of hope and not take them for granted.

現在: The Nine of Cups upright signifies that you are currently experiencing a time of wish fulfillment and contentment. You are in a position of emotional and material well-being. Enjoy this period of abundance and allow yourself to revel in the fruits of your labor. Savor the connections and comforts around you.

未来: The King of Swords upright in your future indicates that clear, decisive thinking and intellectual strength will be key to navigating upcoming challenges or opportunities. Use your sharp mind and logical reasoning to make important decisions. Embrace your authority and stand firm in your convictions, ensuring fairness and objectivity in your actions.


Your reading paints a picture of moving from a period of lost hope to one of current abundance, preparing you for a future that demands clear and decisive action. Having learned from past discouragements, you are now capable of receiving and enjoying fulfillment. Embrace your intellectual abilities to make wise decisions and create a stable future.


Acknowledge the lessons learned during times of doubt. Use your present contentment as a source of strength for future endeavors. Focus on building a foundation of clarity and reason to guide your future decisions.


Soon, a significant choice will arise demanding your full intellectual capacity; the wisdom gained from your past struggles, combined with present joy, will guide you to success.


Hope & FaithWish FulfillmentIntellectual PowerDecision Making


Today, take a moment to journal about a past disappointment and identify what you learned from it, then express gratitude for three things you appreciate in your life right now.



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