Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Two of Cups

Past: Two of Cups


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Reflects the influences and lessons from previous experiences.

一般的な意味: Connection, partnership, and mutual respect.

向きの意味: A strong bond has enriched your life, fostering love and understanding.

The Star

Present: The Star


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Indicates the current situation and energies at play.

一般的な意味: Hope, inspiration, and serenity.

向きの意味: You are experiencing a period of healing and optimism, feeling aligned with your dreams.

Four of Wands

Future: Four of Wands


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Offers insight into upcoming events and potential outcomes.

一般的な意味: Celebration, home, and community.

向きの意味: There may be disruptions in your sense of stability or a feeling of disconnect from your community.




過去: The Two of Cups represents a significant relationship or partnership that has shaped your emotional landscape. This bond has grounded you in love and mutual respect, providing a foundation that influences your current feelings of hope and aspiration.

現在: Currently, The Star indicates that you are in a phase of healing, clarity, and renewal. You are being encouraged to embrace your dreams and maintain a positive outlook, despite any challenges that life may present.

未来: With the Four of Wands reversed, it suggests that the path ahead may involve some uncertainties regarding your social circles or home life. These disruptions could push you to seek deeper connections or redefine your values around community and stability.


Your journey has been deeply influenced by meaningful partnerships that have fostered hope and healing. Currently, you are inspired and optimistic about your future, embracing your dreams. However, prepare for possible shifts in relationships or a sense of instability that may require your attention.


Stay open to the healing energies of The Star, allowing them to guide your path. It may be beneficial to reassess your relationships and community ties to find stability and support.


As you navigate through these energies, seek to cultivate deeper connections, which may smooth over any impending disruptions, leading to greater harmony in your future.




Reflect on your current relationships and consider reaching out to someone who has brought you joy and understanding in the past.



  • 毎日のパーソナライズされたタロット占い
  • 複数のスプレッドオプション(ケルトクロス、相性占い、キャリアパスなど)
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