Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Three of Pentacles

Past: Three of Pentacles


向き: Upright

位置の意味: The past represents the foundations of your current situation.

一般的な意味: Collaboration, skill development, and recognition of talent.

向きの意味: You have laid solid groundwork through teamwork and dedication, which has set you up for future success.

Knight of Swords

Present: Knight of Swords


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: The present signifies the energies influencing your current experience.

一般的な意味: Impulsiveness, chaos, and a lack of direction.

向きの意味: Currently, you may feel scattered or overwhelmed, struggling to harness your thoughts and energy effectively.

Three of Swords

Future: Three of Swords


向き: Upright

位置の意味: The future reflects potential outcomes and directions based on present actions.

一般的な意味: Heartbreak, emotional pain, and sorrow.

向きの意味: If unresolved conflicts and emotional turmoil persist, you may face difficult emotional lessons; it's crucial to address these feelings rather than suppress them.




過去: The Three of Pentacles suggests that your past efforts in collaboration and honing your skills have paved a path for your current situation, providing a sturdy foundation that you're now navigating.

現在: The Knight of Swords in reverse indicates a turbulent present where hasty thoughts and impulsive actions are creating chaos, urging you to find clarity amidst the storm.

未来: The Three of Swords foreshadows the need for emotional healing; if you can confront any unresolved conflicts today, you may mitigate future heartaches and emerge stronger.


Your journey shows the strength of collaboration in your past, which has led you to a moment of chaos today. As you confront scattered thoughts and emotions, remember that healing is essential for your future well-being. Clarity gained now will strengthen you against potential heartache ahead.


Take a moment to reflect on what is causing your current disarray. Journal your thoughts or discuss your feelings with a trusted friend to clear your mind and find direction.


Embracing emotional honesty now will lessen the impact of future heartache, allowing you to navigate life with renewed strength and insight.


CollaborationEmotional ClarityHealingSelf-Reflection


Spend some time today meditating or journaling about your current feelings to regain focus and prepare for emotional growth.



  • 毎日のパーソナライズされたタロット占い
  • 複数のスプレッドオプション(ケルトクロス、相性占い、キャリアパスなど)
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