Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Two of Cups

Past: Two of Cups


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Reflects influences from the past that shape your current situation.

一般的な意味: Harmony, partnership, and mutual attraction.

向きの意味: Disharmony, imbalance, or a breakdown in communication in relationships.

Seven of Swords

Present: Seven of Swords


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Represents your current situation and energies influencing your life right now.

一般的な意味: Strategy, cunning, and the need for stealth.

向きの意味: Avoiding confrontation or deception; making difficult decisions that could feel sneaky.

Two of Swords

Future: Two of Swords


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Indicates the direction your journey is headed based on current circumstances.

一般的な意味: Indecision, choices, and blocked emotions.

向きの意味: A call to face your challenges and make an informed decision, despite uncertainty.

IndecisionChoicesBlocked Emotion



過去: The reversed Two of Cups indicates a time where personal connections may have suffered due to a lack of communication or harmony. This disconnection may have led to emotional struggles, impacting your current actions and decisions.

現在: Currently, the Seven of Swords suggests that you might be feeling the need to strategize or act with caution. This could involve navigating tricky situations or relationships carefully, perhaps even engaging in self-protective behaviors that may not align with your true values.

未来: Looking ahead, the Two of Swords urges you to confront the choices before you. You may feel torn between conflicting options, but it's important to take time to reflect and move toward clarity rather than avoidance.


Your past experiences with disconnection have influenced your present tactics in handling relationships. Right now, a sense of caution prevails as you navigate complexities in your interactions, leading you to a future that requires decisive action. It’s a time to face your choices with confidence and clarity.


Embrace open communication to heal past divides and reconnect with yourself and others. Be mindful of the strategies you employ—ensure they align with your authentic self to foster genuine growth in your relationships.


As you challenge your present circumstances and draw upon the lessons from your past, you will find that clarity emerges, paving the way for a positive resolution to your indecisions.


ConnectionStrategyDecision MakingClarity


Today, take a moment to reflect on your relationships and identify one area where you can practice open communication to restore harmony.



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