Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

The Hanged Man

Past: The Hanged Man


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: The past card reflects experiences, influences, and events that have shaped the present.

一般的な意味: The Hanged Man symbolizes perspective, sacrifice, and release.

向きの意味: In reversed position, it indicates resistance to change, stagnation, or feeling trapped in a situation.

The Fool

Present: The Fool


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: The present card reveals the current energies and challenges you are facing.

一般的な意味: The Fool represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and adventure.

向きの意味: When reversed, it suggests recklessness, hesitation, or fear of taking risks.

Page of Pentacles

Future: Page of Pentacles


向き: Upright

位置の意味: The future card offers insights into potential outcomes and developments.

一般的な意味: The Page of Pentacles symbolizes ambition, practicality, and learning.

向きの意味: In the upright position, it indicates a new opportunity for growth, study, or financial advance.




過去: The Hanged Man reversed indicates a period in your life where you felt stuck or unable to move forward, possibly due to fear of change or the sacrifices you were making. This stagnation may have caused frustration but has also prepared you to recognize the importance of perspective in your journey.

現在: The Fool reversed highlights your current reluctance to embrace new experiences, perhaps due to anxieties about venturing into the unknown. This fear may hold you back from taking the leaps necessary to pursue your dreams fully.

未来: The Page of Pentacles suggests that as you overcome your fears, fertile opportunities will present themselves, particularly in areas related to education or career. Embrace these chances to learn and grow; they hold the potential for significant, practical gains.


Your reading reflects a journey from a past marked by stagnation and resistance to change, through a present where fear is hindering new beginnings. However, the future holds promise with a clear opportunity for growth and practical advancement. By shifting your perspective and embracing new experiences, you can cultivate success.


Take time to reflect on what has been holding you back, and work on developing your confidence to explore new opportunities. Seek the knowledge and practical skills that can aid you in moving forward effectively.


With courage to face your fears and an openness to the possibilities ahead, you are likely to find yourself stepping into a new chapter filled with rewarding experiences and practical achievements.




Today, consider setting a small, manageable goal related to a new skill or area of interest that excites you. Take the first step toward learning or exploring that pursuit.



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