Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Four of Cups

Past: Four of Cups


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Reflects influences and lessons that shape your current state.

一般的な意味: A period of contemplation, reevaluation, or dissatisfaction with options.

向きの意味: You may have felt stagnant, discontent, or disconnected from your emotions and opportunities around you.


Present: Temperance


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Represents current influences, challenges, and energies.

一般的な意味: Imbalance, lack of harmony, or difficulty in finding moderation.

向きの意味: Currently, you may be feeling overwhelmed or unable to blend differing elements of your life into a cohesive path.

Eight of Cups

Future: Eight of Cups


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Indicates possible outcomes and paths forward based on current energies.

一般的な意味: A journey of abandonment, seeking deeper meaning, and emotional withdrawal.

向きの意味: You may find yourself leaving behind what no longer serves you, embarking on a quest for fulfillment and greater purpose.

DepartureChangeSearching for meaning



過去: The Four of Cups suggests a period where contemplation may have led to emotional stagnation. You might have missed out on opportunities because of dissatisfaction, which has, in turn, influenced how you approach your current challenges.

現在: With Temperance reversed, there is a clear message of imbalance in your life. The energies flowing around you may feel chaotic, indicating a need for reflection on your current path and thoughtful choices to restore harmony.

未来: As you move forward, the Eight of Cups reveals a powerful transition. You are encouraged to step away from what doesn't fulfill you, seeking new emotional landscapes and deeper connections that resonate with your true self.


Your journey through contemplation has led you to a current state of imbalance where energies feel misaligned. Moving forward, embracing change is essential, as it promises a search for deeper meaning that could rejuvenate your spirit. Every ending opens a door to new beginnings.


Focus on balancing different aspects of your life today, prioritizing self-care and contemplation. Taking small steps towards what truly fulfills you will guide your decisions in the near future.


By letting go of what drains your energy, you invite new opportunities that align with your deeper desires, heralding a significant transformation on your horizon.


Self-DiscoveryBalanceTransitionEmotional Growth


Spend some time in meditation or journaling today to clearly define what aspects of your life need change and what truly fulfills you.



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