Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Page of Swords

Past: Page of Swords


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Events and influences that have shaped the current situation

一般的な意味: Young energy, curiosity, and new ideas

向きの意味: Delayed messages, scattered thoughts, hasty decisions

scattered energymiscommunicationimmaturity
Three of Swords

Present: Three of Swords


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Current energies and immediate challenges

一般的な意味: Heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain

向きの意味: Recovery, forgiveness, moving past grief

Three of Pentacles

Future: Three of Pentacles


向き: Reversed


一般的な意味: Teamwork, craftsmanship, and skill

向きの意味: Lack of collaboration, poor workmanship, competition

disharmonyindividual effortmiscommunication



過去: The reversed Page of Swords suggests recent experiences with scattered energy and impulsive decisions that may have led to misunderstandings or delays in important communications.

現在: The reversed Three of Swords indicates a period of emotional healing and recovery, suggesting you're moving past previous hurts and finding forgiveness.

未来: The reversed Three of Pentacles warns of potential challenges in collaborative efforts, suggesting a need to focus on independent work or improve team communication.


Your journey shows a transformation from past confusion and miscommunication toward emotional healing. While currently experiencing positive recovery from past wounds, future success may require careful attention to collaborative relationships and clear communication.


Focus on maintaining your current healing momentum while preparing for future collaborative challenges. Consider developing clear communication strategies and setting boundaries in team situations.


A significant breakthrough in personal healing will lead to new opportunities by early December, though success will depend on your ability to balance independent work with teamwork.


emotional healingcommunication challengespersonal growthcollaborative balance


Write down three specific ways you can improve your communication with colleagues or team members today.



  • 毎日のパーソナライズされたタロット占い
  • 複数のスプレッドオプション(ケルトクロス、相性占い、キャリアパスなど)
  • より深い洞察のための星座占いとの統合
  • 占い結果と個人の成長を記録するタロット日記
  • タロット占いに基づくガイド付き瞑想
  • AI搭載のタロット学習システムでタロットを学ぶ