Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Ace of Pentacles

Past: Ace of Pentacles


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Foundation and recent influences

一般的な意味: New financial or material beginnings, manifestation of goals

向きの意味: A promising new start in material matters, opportunity for prosperity

OpportunityProsperityNew beginnings
Knight of Swords

Present: Knight of Swords


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Current energies and influences

一般的な意味: Swift action, intellectual pursuit, determination

向きの意味: Rushing forward with ambition and determination

The Tower

Future: The Tower


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Upcoming influences and potential outcomes

一般的な意味: Sudden change, revelation, breakdown of old structures

向きの意味: Dramatic transformation, unexpected events leading to necessary change




過去: The Ace of Pentacles in your past position indicates a significant opportunity or seed of potential that was planted, particularly in material or financial matters. This foundation has set the stage for your current situation.

現在: The Knight of Swords reveals that you're currently in a phase of rapid movement and decisive action. Your ambition and determination are driving you forward, though perhaps with some intensity that needs to be managed.

未来: The Tower suggests an upcoming period of significant change or revelation. While potentially challenging, this transformation will clear away outdated structures in your life to make way for something new and more authentic.


Your reading reveals a journey from stable beginnings through decisive action, leading to transformative change. The initial opportunity or foundation you established is now propelling you forward with great momentum, but be prepared for unexpected developments that will ultimately serve your growth.


While maintaining your current momentum, take time to ground yourself and prepare for upcoming changes. Build flexible strategies and maintain adaptability rather than rigid structures.


A sudden revelation or change around the new year will challenge your current path but lead to an unexpected opportunity for growth and renewal.


Material opportunitySwift actionTransformative changePersonal revolution


Today, create a flexible action plan that outlines your goals but allows room for unexpected adjustments and changes.



  • 毎日のパーソナライズされたタロット占い
  • 複数のスプレッドオプション(ケルトクロス、相性占い、キャリアパスなど)
  • より深い洞察のための星座占いとの統合
  • 占い結果と個人の成長を記録するタロット日記
  • タロット占いに基づくガイド付き瞑想
  • AI搭載のタロット学習システムでタロットを学ぶ