Cosmica: AI占星術&タロット占いのロゴ

3枚のタロット占い事例 - 過去・現在・未来への洞察

Ace of Wands

Past: Ace of Wands


向き: Upright

位置の意味: Influences from the past affecting the present situation

一般的な意味: New beginnings, inspiration, and creative potential

向きの意味: A spark of inspiration or new opportunity that has set things in motion

InspirationPotentialNew beginnings
The High Priestess

Present: The High Priestess


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Current energies and challenges in the querent's life

一般的な意味: Intuition, inner wisdom, and hidden knowledge

向きの意味: Difficulty accessing intuition, ignoring inner voice, or lack of self-trust

Blocked intuitionSecretsInner conflict
Five of Cups

Future: Five of Cups


向き: Reversed

位置の意味: Potential outcomes and energies moving forward

一般的な意味: Loss, grief, and disappointment

向きの意味: Moving past grief, finding silver linings, and emotional healing

RecoveryAcceptanceMoving forward



過去: The Ace of Wands in the past position suggests that you've recently experienced a surge of inspiration or a new opportunity that has set things in motion. This creative spark or fresh start has been a significant influence on your current situation, providing energy and enthusiasm for new ventures.

現在: The High Priestess reversed in the present position indicates that you may currently be struggling to access your intuition or trust your inner voice. There might be hidden information or aspects of your situation that you're not fully aware of, leading to inner conflict or difficulty making decisions.

未来: The Five of Cups reversed in the future position is a positive sign, suggesting that you will move past any current disappointments or emotional challenges. This card indicates a period of healing, acceptance, and the ability to find silver linings in difficult situations.


Your reading reveals a journey from a period of inspiration and new beginnings to a current state of inner conflict and blocked intuition. However, the future holds promise for emotional healing and moving forward. This progression suggests that while you may be facing challenges now, you have the potential to overcome them and find renewed hope.


Take time to reconnect with your inner wisdom and trust your intuition. Reflect on the initial spark of inspiration from your past and use it to guide you through current uncertainties. Practice mindfulness and meditation to clear your mind and access your inner knowledge.


As you learn to trust your intuition again, a hidden opportunity will reveal itself, leading to emotional healing and a renewed sense of purpose.


Intuitive awakeningOvercoming inner conflictsEmotional healingRediscovering inspiration


Spend 10 minutes today in quiet reflection, focusing on your breath and allowing your intuition to surface without judgment.



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