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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

The Hermit

Past: The Hermit

Numéro de carte:9

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Influences and experiences that have shaped your current situation.

Signification générale: Introspection, solitude, guidance, searching for truth, inner reflection.

Signification de l'orientation: Feeling lost, isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, a refusal to seek needed guidance, rash decisions.

IsolationLonelinessWithdrawalLack of GuidanceRash Decisions
Five of Cups

Present: Five of Cups

Numéro de carte:5

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies, challenges, and opportunities you are facing now.

Signification générale: Loss, regret, disappointment, grief, dwelling on the past.

Signification de l'orientation: Acceptance, moving on, finding forgiveness, renewed hope, releasing grief.

AcceptanceMoving OnForgivenessHopeReleasing Grief
Two of Wands

Future: Two of Wands

Numéro de carte:2

Orientation: Upright

Signification de la position: Potential outcomes and upcoming influences likely to shape your path.

Signification générale: Planning, decision-making, progress, discovery, future plans, partnership.

Signification de l'orientation: Future planning, making important decisions, partnerships and expansions on the horizon, travel.


Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The reversed Hermit suggests that you may have shied away from seeking inner guidance or perhaps felt isolated in the past. This reluctance might have led to making decisions without proper reflection, resulting in a sense of being adrift.

Présent: The reversed Five of Cups indicates that you are now emerging from a period of grief or disappointment. Opportunities to find forgiveness and acceptance are presenting themselves, allowing you to release the weight of past regrets and embrace hope for a brighter future.

Futur: The Two of Wands in the future position highlights that you will soon be making important decisions and planning for your future. Embrace the potential for growth and expansion, and consider partnerships or even travel as avenues for fulfilling your aspirations. Carefully consider which path resonates most deeply with your true intentions.


Your reading reflects a journey from isolation and regret to renewed hope and strategic planning. The challenges of the past are fading, making way for opportunities for growth and expansion. Embracing forgiveness and making well-informed decisions will pave the way toward a fulfilling future. Channel your inner strength and vision.


Focus on self-compassion and acknowledge the progress you've made in releasing past burdens. Cultivate meaningful connections and leverage these partnerships to achieve your goals. Trust your intuition as you chart your course.


A significant opportunity related to travel or a new partnership will emerge within the next three months, bringing exciting possibilities that will shape your path forward.

Thèmes clés


Suggestion d'action du jour

Today, take a few moments for mindful reflection and list three positive steps you can take towards releasing a lingering regret.

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