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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

Nine of Wands

Past: Nine of Wands

Numéro de carte:9

Orientation: Upright

Signification de la position: Reflects the influences and lessons from previous experiences.

Signification générale: Resilience, persistence, and protecting what you've built.

Signification de l'orientation: You've fought hard and are now weary but resilient; you're being called to stay strong.

Two of Cups

Present: Two of Cups

Numéro de carte:2

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Indicates current influences, energies, and dynamics at play.

Signification générale: Partnerships, attraction, and unity.

Signification de l'orientation: Disharmony and disconnection in relationships; miscommunication or emotional imbalance may be present.

The Lovers

Future: The Lovers

Numéro de carte:6

Orientation: Upright

Signification de la position: Suggests potential future outcomes and possibilities.

Signification générale: Love, harmony, and choices.

Signification de l'orientation: A deep connection or significant relationship is on the horizon, presenting choices based on values and priorities.


Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The Nine of Wands suggests that your past has been marked by challenges that have tested your strength. This resilience has shaped you, preparing you to face present complexities, particularly in your relationships. You’ve become a fighter, but perhaps this has made you wary of emotional vulnerabilities.

Présent: Currently, the Two of Cups reversed signals misunderstandings or imbalances in your relationships. It may feel like there's a disconnect with someone important in your life, highlighting the need for open communication to mend any rifts caused by emotional misalignment.

Futur: Looking ahead, The Lovers card signifies the possibility of a deeper bond or essential choices regarding love. This card holds the promise of harmony and mutual respect, suggesting that overcoming present tensions can lead to significant relationship growth in the future.


Your journey has been one of perseverance, transforming challenges into strengths. Presently, tensions in relationships require your attention and honest communication. However, the future holds the promise of fulfilling connections and meaningful choices that align with your values.


Focus on nurturing open dialogues in your current relationships, as this will help restore harmony. Embrace the lessons of resilience from your past to guide you through these emotional complexities.


If you navigate the present disconnections with courage and honesty, you will find a path toward enriching relationships and fulfilling choices in the near future.

Thèmes clés


Suggestion d'action du jour

Engage in a heart-to-heart conversation with someone important to realign your perspectives and rebuild connections.

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