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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

King of Pentacles

Past: King of Pentacles

Numéro de carte:14

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Foundation and influences from earlier experiences

Signification générale: Mastery of material realm, abundance, and financial security

Signification de l'orientation: Financial mistakes, poor business decisions, or materialistic tendencies

MismanagementInflexibilityMaterial loss
Two of Wands

Present: Two of Wands

Numéro de carte:2

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies and immediate circumstances

Signification générale: Planning, decisions, and future possibilities

Signification de l'orientation: Lack of planning, fear of change, or missed opportunities

The Devil

Future: The Devil

Numéro de carte:15

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position:

Signification générale: Breaking free from limitations and negative patterns

Signification de l'orientation: Release from unhealthy attachments, newfound freedom

LiberationBreaking chainsSelf-awareness

Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: Recent financial or material setbacks have created a cautious approach to resources. This period might have involved learning difficult lessons about material attachments or financial management.

Présent: Currently experiencing hesitation in making important decisions, possibly due to past experiences. There's a tendency to overthink rather than take action, leading to missed opportunities.

Futur: A powerful transformation awaits as you break free from self-imposed limitations. This card suggests upcoming liberation from patterns that have held you back, particularly around material security and decision-making.


Your journey shows a progression from material challenges to current indecision, ultimately leading to liberation. At 21 years old, you're in a crucial phase of breaking free from old patterns and discovering your true path. The cards suggest a significant personal transformation is underway.


Don't let past financial or material setbacks prevent you from making bold decisions now. Focus on breaking free from fear-based thinking and trust your instincts more.


By the end of autumn 2024, you'll experience a breakthrough that transforms your relationship with material security and decision-making confidence.

Thèmes clés

Financial healingBreaking patternsPersonal liberationSelf-empowerment

Suggestion d'action du jour

Write down three limiting beliefs about money or success that you're ready to release, and create alternative positive affirmations for each.

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