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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

Three of Swords

Past: Three of Swords

Numéro de carte:3

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Influences from the past affecting the present situation

Signification générale: Heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain

Signification de l'orientation: Overcoming grief, emotional healing, and forgiveness

RecoveryForgivenessMoving on
Queen of Pentacles

Present: Queen of Pentacles

Numéro de carte:13

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies and situations in the querent's life

Signification générale: Nurturing, practical, and abundant energy

Signification de l'orientation: Neglecting self-care, financial insecurity, lack of work-life balance

Wheel of Fortune

Future: Wheel of Fortune

Numéro de carte:10

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Potential outcomes and energies approaching

Signification générale: Fate, luck, and life cycles

Signification de l'orientation: Resistance to change, bad luck, lack of control

StagnationSetbacksMissed opportunities

Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The reversed Three of Swords in the past position suggests that you have been working through a period of emotional healing and forgiveness. You've made significant progress in overcoming past heartaches and are learning to let go of lingering pain.

Présent: The reversed Queen of Pentacles in the present position indicates that you may be struggling with self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. There's a sense of financial insecurity or neglect of your physical and material needs.

Futur: The Wheel of Fortune reversed in the future position warns of potential resistance to change and missed opportunities. You may face setbacks or feel a lack of control over your circumstances, but remember that this is temporary.


Your journey shows progress from past emotional wounds, but current challenges in self-care and material stability are present. The future holds potential for growth, but only if you're willing to adapt and seize opportunities as they arise. Stay open to change and focus on regaining balance in your life.


Prioritize self-care and reassess your work-life balance. Be proactive in managing your resources and remain flexible in the face of upcoming changes. Embrace the lessons from your past healing and apply them to navigate current and future challenges.


A period of transformation is approaching. By addressing current imbalances and remaining open to change, you'll unlock new pathways to personal and material growth.

Thèmes clés

Emotional healingSelf-careAdaptabilityFinancial stability

Suggestion d'action du jour

Create a detailed self-care plan for the week, including activities that nurture both your emotional and material well-being.

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