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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

Ace of Wands

Past: Ace of Wands

Numéro de carte:1

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Events and influences from your recent past

Signification générale: New beginnings, inspiration, creative spark

Signification de l'orientation: Delayed starts, missed opportunities, lack of motivation

Blocked potentialHesitationCreative blocks
Two of Swords

Present: Two of Swords

Numéro de carte:2

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies and influences

Signification générale: Decision making, stalemate, finding balance

Signification de l'orientation: Release from indecision, confronting truth, clarity emerging

ResolutionConfrontationBreaking free
The Star

Future: The Star

Numéro de carte:17

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position:

Signification générale: Hope, inspiration, spiritual guidance

Signification de l'orientation: Disillusionment, loss of faith, temporary setbacks

DoubtRealignmentInner work

Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The reversed Ace of Wands suggests you've recently experienced a period of creative stagnation or delayed initiatives. This has created a sense of frustration around unrealized potential or opportunities that seemed to slip away.

Présent: The reversed Two of Swords indicates you're finally breaking free from a period of indecision. You're ready to face truths you've been avoiding and make necessary choices, even if they're uncomfortable.

Futur: The reversed Star suggests upcoming challenges to your faith and optimism. However, this temporary disillusionment will lead to more grounded and realistic expectations, ultimately strengthening your spiritual foundation.


You're emerging from a period of creative blockage and hesitation into a phase of greater clarity and decision-making. While the immediate future may challenge your optimism, this process is essential for developing a more authentic and sustainable path forward. The cards suggest a journey from frustration to realization, culminating in spiritual growth through practical experience.


Don't be afraid to make decisions that you've been postponing, even if they seem difficult. Focus on small, achievable goals rather than grand aspirations for now, and maintain faith in your journey even when immediate results aren't visible.


By the winter solstice, you'll experience a significant breakthrough in understanding your true path, though it may come through unexpected challenges or disappointments.

Thèmes clés

Breaking through stagnationEmbracing difficult truthsSpiritual realignmentPractical growth

Suggestion d'action du jour

Write down three decisions you've been avoiding and choose one to act upon today, regardless of how small it might seem.

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