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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

Three of Wands

Past: Three of Wands

Numéro de carte:3

Orientation: Upright

Signification de la position: Influences and events that have shaped the current situation

Signification générale: Progress, expansion, and foresight

Signification de l'orientation: Successful planning, looking ahead, and seizing opportunities

Knight of Pentacles

Present: Knight of Pentacles

Numéro de carte:12

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies and challenges affecting the querent

Signification générale: Diligence, responsibility, and hard work

Signification de l'orientation: Procrastination, lack of progress, and stagnation

The Hierophant

Future: The Hierophant

Numéro de carte:5

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Potential outcomes and energies approaching

Signification générale: Tradition, conformity, and spiritual guidance

Signification de l'orientation: Challenging the status quo, unconventional approaches, and personal beliefs


Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The upright Three of Wands in your past position suggests that you've previously experienced a period of growth and expansion. You've likely made plans and taken steps towards achieving your goals, which have set the foundation for your current situation.

Présent: The reversed Knight of Pentacles in your present position indicates that you may be feeling stuck or experiencing delays in your current endeavors. There might be a tendency towards perfectionism or procrastination that's hindering your progress.

Futur: The reversed Hierophant in your future position suggests that you'll soon be challenging traditional ways of thinking or doing things. This may lead to a period of personal growth and the development of your own unique perspective on life.


Your reading reveals a journey from a period of expansion and foresight to a current state of stagnation, with a future that promises personal growth through unconventional means. You're being called to break free from perfectionism and embrace new, possibly unconventional approaches to overcome current challenges.


Don't let perfectionism or fear of the unknown hold you back. Embrace your unique ideas and perspectives, even if they go against the grain. Consider how you can apply the visionary energy from your past to overcome current obstacles.


A breakthrough in your personal or professional life is on the horizon, likely stemming from an unconventional approach or idea you've been hesitant to pursue.

Thèmes clés

Breaking free from stagnationEmbracing unconventional ideasOvercoming perfectionismPersonal growth through rebellion

Suggestion d'action du jour

Write down three unconventional ideas to approach a current challenge in your life, no matter how outlandish they may seem.

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