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Exemple de Cas de Lecture de Tarot à 3 Cartes - Aperçus du Passé, Présent & Futur

Six of Swords

Past: Six of Swords

Numéro de carte:6

Orientation: Upright

Signification de la position: Influences from the past affecting the present situation

Signification générale: Transition, moving forward, leaving behind troubles

Signification de l'orientation: A journey towards calmer waters, overcoming difficulties

TransitionProgressMoving on
Nine of Swords

Present: Nine of Swords

Numéro de carte:9

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Current energies and challenges in the querent's life

Signification générale: Anxiety, worry, nightmares

Signification de l'orientation: Overcoming anxiety, finding hope, releasing fears


Future: Death

Numéro de carte:13

Orientation: Reversed

Signification de la position: Potential outcomes and energies approaching

Signification générale: Transformation, endings, new beginnings

Signification de l'orientation: Resistance to change, stagnation, fear of the unknown

ResistanceStagnationSlow transformation

Analyse de la lecture de tarot

Analyse détaillée

Passé: The Six of Swords in the past position suggests that you've recently gone through a period of transition or moved away from troubled waters. This journey has been necessary for your growth and has set the stage for your current situation.

Présent: The Nine of Swords reversed in the present position indicates that you're in the process of overcoming anxiety and worry. You're gaining a new perspective on your challenges and finding ways to release fears that have been holding you back.

Futur: The Death card reversed in the future position suggests that you may be resisting an inevitable change or transformation in your life. While this resistance is natural, it's important to recognize that embracing change can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.


Your reading indicates a journey from a challenging past towards a more hopeful present, where you're actively working on overcoming fears and anxieties. However, the future suggests a need to embrace change more fully to continue your growth and avoid stagnation.


Focus on the progress you've made in overcoming your anxieties and continue to nurture this positive momentum. Be open to the transformations life is offering you, even if they seem daunting at first. Remember that change is a natural part of growth.


As you learn to embrace change, a significant transformation will occur in your life, opening up new pathways and opportunities you hadn't previously considered.

Thèmes clés

Overcoming anxietyEmbracing changePersonal growthTransition

Suggestion d'action du jour

Write down three positive changes you've experienced recently and reflect on how they've improved your life.

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