Logo de Cosmica: Tarot y Astrología IA

Ejemplo de Casos de Lectura de Tarot de 3 Cartas - Percepciones del Pasado, Presente y Futuro

Queen of Swords

Past: Queen of Swords

Número de Carta:13

Orientación: Upright

Significado de la Posición: Influences and experiences that have shaped your current situation.

Significado General: Clarity of thought, intellect, independence, and the power of reason.

Significado de la Orientación: You have navigated your past with strength, using your intellect and clarity to make difficult decisions.

Nine of Swords

Present: Nine of Swords

Número de Carta:9

Orientación: Reversed

Significado de la Posición: Current energies, challenges, and situations you are facing.

Significado General: Anxiety, worry, sleepless nights, and mental anguish.

Significado de la Orientación: You are beginning to release the stresses and anxieties that have been plaguing you, gaining perspective on your troubles.

The Emperor

Future: The Emperor

Número de Carta:4

Orientación: Reversed

Significado de la Posición: Possible directions, outcomes, or events in the near future.

Significado General: Authority, structure, and control.

Significado de la Orientación: You may face challenges with authority or a need to define your own power; stay wary of becoming too rigid or domineering.


Análisis de la Lectura de Tarot

Análisis Detallado

Pasado: In the past, the Queen of Swords signifies your ability to confront challenging situations with clarity and intellect. This strength laid a solid foundation for decision-making and self-advocacy that now supports your journey.

Presente: Currently, the Nine of Swords reversed indicates a positive shift as you are starting to overcome anxiety and sleepless nights. It suggests a recovery process that frees you from mental burdens and invites healing.

Futuro: The future shows The Emperor reversed, suggesting you might grapple with issues regarding authority and control. This may present itself as internal conflict or challenges related to leadership, urging you to find a balanced approach to your power.


Your past has equipped you with clarity and strength, lifting you beyond the shadows of anxiety. As you move through the present, healing is on the horizon, suggesting a lightening of burdens. However, prepare to navigate power dynamics in the future with wisdom and flexibility.


Embrace the release you are experiencing now and continue to foster self-care practices. When faced with authority in the future, strive for balance rather than rigid control.


Navigating the path ahead may require you to redefine your understanding of power, opening up new avenues for personal growth and leadership.

Temas Clave


Sugerencia de Acción para Hoy

Take a moment today to journal about your worries and set intentions for releasing them, paving the way for a clearer mind and a more empowered self.

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