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Beispiel für 3-Karten-Tarot-Lesungen - Einblicke in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart & Zukunft

Queen of Cups

Past: Queen of Cups


Ausrichtung: Reversed

Positionsbedeutung: Events and influences that have shaped your current situation

Allgemeine Bedeutung: Represents emotional wisdom, intuition, and empathy

Ausrichtungsbedeutung: Emotional instability, dependency, or blocked intuition

emotional confusionself-doubtsuppressed feelings
Four of Wands

Present: Four of Wands


Ausrichtung: Upright

Positionsbedeutung: Current energies and circumstances affecting you

Allgemeine Bedeutung: Celebration, harmony, homecoming, and achievement

Ausrichtungsbedeutung: Stability, success, and joyful gatherings

The Star

Future: The Star


Ausrichtung: Reversed


Allgemeine Bedeutung: Hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance

Ausrichtungsbedeutung: Lack of faith, disconnection from purpose, temporary setbacks

lost faithuncertaintyrenewal needed


Detaillierte Analyse

Vergangenheit: Your past shows a period of emotional uncertainty and possibly suppressed feelings. The reversed Queen of Cups suggests you may have struggled with trusting your intuition or expressing your emotions freely.

Gegenwart: Currently, you're experiencing a time of celebration and stability. The Four of Wands indicates achievement and harmony, suggesting you've overcome past emotional challenges to create something worth celebrating.

Zukunft: The reversed Star suggests upcoming challenges in maintaining faith and optimism. While temporary setbacks may occur, this card reminds you to reconnect with your inner guidance and hope.


Your journey shows a transformation from emotional uncertainty to current stability and achievement. While future challenges may test your faith, you're better equipped to handle them thanks to your recent growth. The cards suggest a need to balance practical success with spiritual well-being.


Embrace and celebrate your current achievements while staying grounded in your emotional truth. Take time to nurture your spiritual connection and maintain faith in your path, even when faced with temporary obstacles.


A period of testing will lead to spiritual renewal and deeper self-understanding by early 2025, particularly around matters of faith and personal purpose.


emotional healingcelebration of achievementsfaith testingspiritual growth

Heutige Handlungsempfehlung

Create a gratitude list focusing on your recent achievements and share your joy with others today.

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